NOTE: There is no impact to student federal financial assistance programs as a result of latest White House Memo. Read More.  

Purpose of Funds

The Hire UP pilot program was established to provide stipends to formerly incarcerated students, former foster youth, and CalWORKs recipients to help them meet the true cost of college attendance and gain clear access to credential programs and workforce support needed to enter, participate and succeed in California’s economy. The California Community College Chancellor’s Office has entered into one-time agreements with ten community college districts, including Santa Rosa Junior College, for a five-year pilot program to provide funding for stipends for eligible students.

Students who receive these stipends and the built-in support from the Rising Scholars Network, Foster Youth Bear Cub Scholars/Next Up, and CalWORKs programs will demonstrate certificate or degree attainment, transfer to a four-year school, or gain employment.

Student Eligibility

To participate in the Hire UP Program, students must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

  • U.S. citizens, eligible non-citizens, or exempt from paying nonresident tuition per 68130.5
  • New or continuing student enrolled in a declared SRJC Associate’s Degree or Certificate program and an eligible educational goal (program of study).
  • Maintain enrollment in a minimum of 6 required units toward their declared program of study
  • Must submit a FAFSA or California Dream Act Application and complete the financial aid application process
  • Must have unmet financial need
  • Remain in good academic standing per SRJC’s SAP policy
  • Agree to share post-pilot employment and or further education information
  • The student self-certifies that they belong to one or more of the following groups:
    • A current participant in the Rising Scholars Network and has been released from incarceration within the last three years
    • Or former foster youth in the Bear Cub Scholars/Next Up Program
    • Or CalWORKs recipient

Stipends are Financial Aid

Stipends made to students are considered other financial assistance (OFA) and, along with any federal, state, or institutional aid, may not exceed the student’s total cost of attendance. Enrollment levels in the student’s approved program of study are verified before each disbursement, and stipend amounts will be adjusted if the student’s program of study enrollment level changes.


The Financial Aid Office has developed a Hire Up application accessible only to eligible students through the Rising Scholars Network, Bear Cub Scholars/Next Up, or CalWORKs programs. Students must submit the brief application term-by-term to certify or recertify their eligibility. The Financial Aid Office will verify that the applicants meet the student eligibility requirements.

Students must provide the Financial Aid Office with a copy of their Comprehensive Education Plan developed with an SRJC academic counselor, preferably from their support network (Rising Scholars, Foster Youth, CalWORKs). This is required to ensure the potential recipients are on track to complete their program of study, transfer to a four-year school, or enter the workforce within the pilot program's limited timeframe while maximizing the allowable funding.

Due to the limited funding, not all applicants will be accepted into the program.

Continuing Hire Up students who are in good standing and meet the program requirements will be given priority for stipend renewals. This ensures they can complete their Hire Up-approved program of study within the pilot program's timeline. New students will be admitted to the program as funding allows.

Accepted students are provided with an agreement form that includes program details and information about the annual survey.

Deadline to Apply

While the deadlines below are the last dates to apply for the academic term, students are strongly encouraged to apply as early as possible due to the limited available spaces.

  • Fall Semester - October 1
  • Spring Semester - March 2

How Funds are Disbursed

Hire Up stipends are financial aid awards and will be disbursed through BankMobile. Students must set up their refund preferences and ensure that their addresses on file are correct. Any unclaimed or undeliverable awards at the end of the term may be reversed.

See our disbursement page for more details on how funds are delivered.

Annual Survey

Students must respond to an annual survey during the pilot period and post-pilot for up to five years. Students agree to participate in the annual survey by signing the program agreement form. After final grades and academic standings have been posted at the end of each spring term, a link to the Formstack survey is emailed to all Hire Up recipients. Students are provided with a deadline date for completing and submitting the survey. During the stipend awarding period, if students do not complete the survey requirement, they will be ineligible for renewal for the subsequent term.

The California Community College Chancellor’s Office relies on data-driven metrics to support and advocate for students and California community colleges participating in the Hire Up Pilot Program. The annual survey is used to fulfill legislative reporting requirements and evaluate program efficacy and participating students’ outcomes.