NOTE: There is no impact to student federal financial assistance programs as a result of latest White House Memo. Read More.  




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Is it too late to fill out the FAFSA/CADAA and receive financial aid for this year?

The FAFSA and CADAA are applications you should complete every year you’re a student. The applications open every year on October 1st in preparation for the next academic year. March 2nd is the priority deadline, but you can file your application until June 30th each academic year to be considered. Learn more about FAFSA and CADAA here.

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Has my FAFSA/CADAA been received? Is there anything else you need from me?

To view the status of your financial aid, log in to your MyFinancialAid portal. This is where you can check to see if we have received your FAFSA/CADAA and if there’s anything else that you need to submit to our office. Watch this 2-minute video to learn how to navigate the MyFinancialAid Portal.

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I dropped a class last semester. How does that affect my financial aid?

Every class that you enroll in and stay in past the day you can withdraw without a W* gets counted towards your total units attempted (this includes grades of F, NP, Inc, W, EW) and each class that you pass gets counted towards the number of units you have completed. In order to be eligible for financial aid, by the end of each semester, you must have completed at least 67% of the total units that you have attempted. To check your completion rate, log in to your Student Portal, go to Financial Aid & Fees, and click on SAP Status.

*Please refer to the academic calendar to see important dates/deadlines

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When will I receive my financial aid?

Most financial aid is split into two payments in the semester so that half is scheduled for payment at the beginning of the semester and the other half is scheduled for payment at the mid-point of the semester. All students eligible for payment should calendar these payment dates. Subsequent payment dates will follow every week or two weeks to pay students who were not previously ready for payment. Grant, loan, and scholarship payments are all disbursed (paid out) via BankMobile Disbursements on these payment dates.

What do I do if I don’t make as much money as I did in the year my tax information is used on my FAFSA/CADAA?

If your financial circumstances change significantly, contact our office or drop into a zoom session. to discuss your options. You may be eligible to file a Family Contribution Appeal, allowing our team to make adjustments to your FAFSA or CADAA and more accurately reflect your information so that your eligibility for financial aid is considered more accurately.

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Why do I have to provide my parents’ information on the FAFSA/CADAA?

The government is very strict on this process - anyone under the age of 24 in an undergraduate level of study is automatically considered “dependent” and parent information is required on the application, regardless of their actual financial support for the student. Only in circumstances where the student can verify unique circumstances such as emancipation, homelessness, foster care or a few others, can an undergraduate student under the age of 24 be considered “independent”.

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I tried creating a StudentForms account, but I keep getting “error code 1010.”

This code means the data you’ve entered does not match the data that was used to create your FAFSA or CADAA. Please be sure the information you’ve entered matches the information exactly as it is with your FAFSA or CADAA.

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I had the Promise Grant, but now I don’t…where did it go?

The Promise Grant is awarded to students with financial need; financial need can change when a student’s enrollment changes. For example, if a student enrolls in 12 units and is awarded the Promise Grant, then drops to 3 units, because so too, their Cost of Attendance drops, they no longer show the financial need for the award, the Promise Grant is canceled, and removed from their award package.

In addition to financial need, Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) may also affect your eligibility for the Promise Grant. SAP is determined after every primary semester (fall and spring). To qualify for the Promise Grant, students who have attempted 12 or more units at SRJC will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or above
  • Have completed more than 50% of their attempted units successfully

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Where can I get a copy of my 1098-T statement?

SRJC students have access to 1098-T forms (Tuition Payment Statement) in January for the previous tax year via the student portal. It is up to students to determine for themselves, or with the advice of their tax advisors, what amounts should be used for current allowable education credits. Students can access the 1098-T in their Student Portal under Financial Aid & Fees. Learn about 1098-T here.

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I dropped my classes? Do I have to pay back my financial aid I received? If so, how?

If you reduce your class load and have received financial aid, you may be required to return (pay back) financial aid. Prior to withdrawal, contact Student Financial Services to learn how dropping your class(es) will impact your financial aid. After you withdraw, please allow up to 30 days for Student Financial Services and Accounting to process the changes to your aid and your student account. If your withdrawal results in a return of financial aid, your student account will reflect the returned aid as a fee labeled, "miscellaneous". All fees are required to be paid in-full before being authorized to register for future semesters at SRJC. Learn how to pay your fees.